Solo in San Francisco and Dazed at Dreamforce
Having only worked with Salesforce for approx 18 months I was chuffed and excited to be given the green light to attend my first Dreamforce way back in April. I quickly booked my ticket, flight, and hotel, filed my expenses and then the nerves promptly set in. Fast forward 5 months during which time I had read every blog post, watched every episode of Road to Dreamforce , and anxiously quizzed my London Admin User Group leaders as to whether there would be any kind of Brits Abroad meet up (there wasn't). I did what would best offset my nerves, I got organised. Agenda Builder went live on August 5th but when on the 5th? As a San Francisco based company and event chances are it would be PST but I refreshed the page regularly throughout London's working day regardless, no doubt while those with the power to activate the tool slept soundly.... Just as I was thinking about giving up and heading home it was live. I pounced and enrolled on 33 sessions incl...